Efficient Shopify Inventory Management

Jun 25, 2023Multichannel Sales

As an online retailer using the Shopify platform, effectively managing your inventory is crucial to the success of your business. Inventory management encompasses the processes and strategies you employ to ensure you have the right products available at the right time to meet customer demand while minimising costs and avoiding stockouts. It is vital to customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, and overall profitability.

However, inventory management can be complex and challenging, especially as your business grows and your product catalogue expands. This blog will explore the importance of efficient Shopify inventory management and provide valuable insights and practical tips to streamline your inventory operations.

The Challenges of Shopify Inventory Management

Shopify inventory management presents unique challenges that require careful attention. As an e-commerce platform, Shopify allows you to manage and sell various products, variants, and inventory quantities. Some of the common challenges faced by Shopify businesses include:

  1. Tracking inventory accurately: With multiple sales channels, stock levels, and variants, it can be challenging to maintain accurate and up-to-date inventory information. Inaccurate inventory tracking can lead to overselling, stockouts, and dissatisfied customers.
  2. Order fulfilment complexities: Managing customer orders efficiently requires seamless coordination between inventory availability, order processing, and shipping. Order fulfilment can become time-consuming and error-prone without effective systems and processes.
  3. Demand forecasting and inventory planning: Understanding customer demand patterns and effectively planning your inventory is crucial to avoid overstocking or understocking. Proper forecasting and planning may prevent inventory imbalances, tying up capital in slow-moving products or missing out on sales opportunities due to stockouts.
  4. Managing backorders and stockouts: Dealing with out-of-stock situations and managing backorders can be challenging. It requires clear communication with customers, accurate estimation of arrival times, and efficient handling of pre-orders and backorders.

These challenges highlight the need for efficient Shopify inventory management practices to streamline operations, improve customer satisfaction, and maximise profitability. In the following sections, we will explore various strategies and techniques to help you optimise your inventory management processes within the Shopify platform.

Setting Up Inventory in Shopify

Properly setting up your inventory in Shopify is the foundation for efficient inventory management. It involves configuring essential features and settings within the platform to track and manage your product stock accurately. Here are the key steps to get you started:

  1. Enable inventory tracking: In your Shopify dashboard, navigate to the “Settings” tab and select “Products.” Ensure that the “Track quantity” option is enabled for all products. This allows Shopify to update your inventory levels as orders are placed automatically and products are sold.
  2. Set stock quantities: Assign an initial quantity for each product variant in your inventory. You can manually enter the stock level or use Shopify’s bulk editing feature to update multiple products simultaneously.
  3. SKU and barcode management: Assign unique Stock Keeping Units (SKUs) and barcodes to each product variant. SKUs help you identify and track individual products, while barcodes streamline the scanning process during inventory management and order fulfilment.
  4. Enable inventory notifications: Shopify allows you to receive notifications when your stock levels reach a certain threshold. Set up low stock alerts to proactively replenish inventory and prevent stockouts. You can configure email notifications or integrate with third-party inventory management apps for more advanced alerts.
  5. Set up backorder management: Shopify provides settings to manage this process if you allow backorders for out-of-stock products. Choose whether to allow backorders, set maximum quantities for backorders and specify how customers are notified about the availability of back-ordered items.
  6. Product categorisation and organisation: Utilize Shopify’s collections feature to categorise and organise your products. Collections make it easier for customers to navigate your store while also helping you segment your inventory for efficient management and reporting.
  7. Variant creation and management: If your products have multiple variants (e.g., different sizes or colours), Shopify enables you to create and manage them effectively. Assign unique SKUs and stock quantities to each variant, and ensure your inventory tracking is accurate at the variant level.
  8. Bundles and kits: If you offer product bundles or kits, Shopify has features to handle these composite products. You can create bundle listings, specify the components included, and automatically adjust stock levels as individual items are sold.

Best Practices for Shopify Inventory Management

Efficient inventory management is crucial for running a successful Shopify store. It ensures you have the right products in stock, minimises stockouts, and maximises profitability. Here are some best practices to help you optimise your inventory management process within Shopify:

  • Regularly update inventory levels: Keep them accurate by consistently updating them in Shopify. Periodically check stock levels, especially after each sale or new shipment, and make necessary adjustments. This prevents overselling and avoids disappointing customers with out-of-stock items.
  • Utilise inventory management apps: Shopify offers many apps that streamline and automate inventory processes. These apps provide features like bulk editing, automated stock level updates, low stock alerts, and more. Explore the Shopify App Store to find the right inventory management app for your needs.
  • Implement barcode scanning: Barcode scanning is a time-saving technique that improves inventory accuracy and reduces human errors. With barcode scanning, you can quickly update stock levels, track incoming and outgoing products, and speed up order fulfilment. Use a barcode scanner compatible with Shopify or leverage mobile apps that turn your smartphone into a barcode scanner.
  • Leverage inventory forecasting: Accurate inventory forecasting helps determine the optimal stock levels. It involves analysing historical sales data, monitoring market trends, and considering factors like seasonality and promotions. Shopify offers various inventory forecasting apps that can provide valuable insights to help you make informed restocking decisions.
  • Set up safety stock levels: Safety stock is the extra inventory you keep on hand to protect against unexpected fluctuations in demand or delays in supply. Determine appropriate safety stock levels based on lead times, supplier reliability, and sales volatility. This ensures you can meet customer demand even during unforeseen circumstances.
  • Implement a just-in-time (JIT) strategy: JIT inventory management focuses on receiving inventory just in time to fulfil orders. This strategy minimises inventory holding costs and the risk of excess stock. Coordinate with suppliers to optimise delivery schedules and reduce lead times. However, ensure a reliable supply chain and contingency plans to avoid stockouts.
  • Optimise product bundling and kits: Bundling related products or creating kits can increase sales and simplify inventory management. Shopify allows you to easily create bundled listings, track individual components, and automatically adjust stock levels as items are sold. This technique can encourage customers to purchase more items while minimising the need to track inventory for each component.
  • Regularly conduct inventory audits: Perform periodic inventory audits to ensure physical stock levels match the recorded levels in Shopify. This involves physically counting and verifying the quantity of each product variant. Address any discrepancies promptly to maintain accurate inventory records.
  • Monitor and analyse inventory metrics: Leverage Shopify’s reporting and analytics tools to track key inventory metrics such as turnover rate, sell-through rate, and average inventory holding period. These metrics provide insights into inventory performance and help identify areas for improvement. Use this data to make data-driven decisions and optimise your inventory management strategy.
  • Integrate with fulfilment services: If you outsource order fulfilment or use third-party logistics providers, consider integrating Shopify with these services. This integration automates the exchange of inventory data and streamlines order processing, reducing manual effort and improving order accuracy.

Inventory Reporting and Analytics

Effective inventory management goes hand in hand with accurate reporting and insightful analytics. By leveraging inventory reporting and analytics features in Shopify, you can gain valuable insights into your inventory performance, make informed decisions, and optimise your inventory management processes. Here are some key aspects to consider when it comes to inventory reporting and analytics:

  • Inventory Metrics: Monitoring and analysing inventory metrics is crucial for understanding the health of your inventory. Shopify provides built-in reporting tools that track important metrics such as inventory turnover, sell-through rates, average days to sell, and stock levels. These metrics provide insights into the efficiency of your inventory management, identify slow-moving or obsolete items, and help you make data-driven decisions to optimise your inventory.
  • Stock Availability: Accurate and real-time information about stock availability is essential for fulfilling customer orders and avoiding stockouts. Shopify’s inventory reporting capabilities enable you to track stock levels across various product variants and locations. You can easily view stock availability, set up low stock alerts, and plan inventory replenishment accordingly.
  • Sales Analysis: Analyzing sales data is crucial for understanding product performance and forecasting future demand. Shopify’s reporting tools allow you to generate sales reports based on product, variant, and time dimensions. You can identify top-selling products, slow-moving items, and seasonal trends. This insight helps you make informed decisions about inventory replenishment, promotions, and product assortment optimisation.
  • Forecasting and Demand Planning: Accurate demand forecasting is a crucial inventory management component. Using Shopify’s reporting and analytics capabilities, you can analyse historical sales data, identify trends, and forecast future demand. This helps you plan your inventory levels more effectively, avoid stockouts or overstocking, and optimise your supply chain.
  • Supplier Performance: Tracking and analysing supplier performance is crucial for maintaining a reliable and efficient supply chain. Shopify’s reporting features allow you to monitor key supplier metrics such as lead times, fulfilment accuracy, and product quality. By evaluating supplier performance, you can proactively identify bottlenecks, address issues, and optimise your supplier relationships for better inventory management.
  • Seasonal Analysis: Seasonal fluctuations can significantly impact inventory management. Shopify’s reporting and analytics tools enable you to analyse historical sales data by season and identify patterns or trends specific to different times of the year. This information helps you plan inventory levels, promotions, and marketing campaigns to align with seasonal demand and maximise sales opportunities.
  • ABC Analysis: Implementing ABC analysis can provide valuable insights into your inventory performance. Shopify’s reporting capabilities allow you to categorise products based on their value and sales frequency, making it easier to identify high-value items that require closer inventory management. Analysing ABC categories can help you prioritise replenishment, implement pricing strategies, and optimise inventory allocation.
  • Custom Reports: Shopify offers flexibility in creating custom reports to meet your specific inventory reporting needs. You can customise reports to include relevant metrics, dimensions, and filters based on your business requirements. This allows you to gain deeper insights into your inventory performance and track metrics most relevant to your business goals.

Inventory Management Apps and Tools

Managing inventory effectively in your Shopify store can be more efficient and streamlined by leveraging various inventory management apps and tools. These applications offer additional features and functionalities to enhance your inventory management processes. Here are some popular inventory management apps and tools that integrate seamlessly with Shopify:

Easyops: Easyops is a robust inventory management software that integrates seamlessly with Shopify. It offers many features, including inventory tracking, order management, demand forecasting, and reporting. Easyops provides real-time synchronisation between Shopify and its platform, allowing you to manage inventory across multiple sales channels and locations.

DEAR Inventory: DEAR Inventory is a comprehensive inventory management software integrated with Shopify. It offers stock control, order management, purchasing, and reporting features. DEAR Inventory provides real-time inventory updates, backorder management, and centralised inventory visibility across multiple sales channels.

Stitch Labs: Stitch Labs is an inventory management platform that integrates with Shopify and other popular e-commerce platforms. It provides features in inventory tracking, order management, purchasing, and demand forecasting. Stitch Labs offers automation capabilities to streamline your inventory workflows and improve efficiency.

Orderhive: Orderhive is an all-in-one inventory management software that integrates with Shopify. It offers features in inventory control, order tracking, shipping management, and reporting. Orderhive also provides multichannel inventory synchronisation, allowing you to manage inventory across various sales channels from a single dashboard.

Excel and Google Sheets: For smaller businesses or those with more straightforward inventory management requirements, spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets can be cost-effective. These tools allow you to create custom inventory templates, track stock levels, and generate basic reports. While they may have some of the advanced features of dedicated inventory management apps, they can still be effective for businesses with limited inventory.

When selecting an inventory management app or tool for your Shopify store, consider your specific business needs, budget, and scalability requirements. Evaluate each solution’s features, integrations, user reviews, and support to make an informed decision. Implementing the right inventory management app or tool can streamline your operations, improve accuracy, and help you stay on top of your inventory needs.